Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bean Valley - Numbers

Please study the vocabulary from the Bean Valley story about Numbers. You will learn to ask and answer these questions.
  • How many apples do you want? 
  • How many bananas do you want? 
  • How many oranges do you want?
You will learn to say:
  • Grapes.
  • Thank you. 
  • Look!
  • There's a lot of fruit here.

Here is a Quizlet set that you can use to study. Listen to the pronunciation and try to repeat what it says.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Chinese Phonetics - Bo Po Mo Fo

The system for writing all of the sounds is called "pinyin."

You should learn the initial sounds first. Here they are with a simple vowel sound after them:

bo, po, mo, fo, de, te, ne, le, ji, qi, xi, zhi, chi, shi, ri, zi, ci, si

You can hear the pronunciation in this video:

You can use these Quizlet cards to practice:

If you need more information about learning pinyin, you can check out the Kids Chinese Podcast here:

This song may help you learn the sounds:


Here is a chart of all of the sounds in Chinese. You will eventually be able to "spell" Chinese words using this system:  Chinese Phonetics

Remember that pinyin is not Chinese writing. It's only a way to learn the sounds of the language and to help you pronounce Chinese words. 

Where is My Friend?